Figure 1.
Bre1a expression in the developing brain. A–L, The expression of Bre1a was determined in coronal cryosections of forebrains from E10.5 (A–D), E12.5 (E–I), E14.5 (J), and E16.5 (K) embryos, and P0 pups (L) by immunostaining or by in situ hybridization (J, top). B, Coronal cryosections of E10.5 dorsal forebrain were immunostained for Bre1a and H2Bub1. Boxed areas in the top panels are shown in the bottom panels with higher magnification. Nonmitotic cells that weakly express Bre1a and H2Bub1 are indicated by arrowheads, and some mitotic cells are indicated by dotted circles and arrows. C, Double immunostaining for Bre1a and phospho-histone 3 (PH3) shows Bre1aweak/PH3− cells (arrowheads). D, Colocalization of Bre1a and βIII-tubulin in cells nearby the basal surface is indicated by arrowheads. E–H, Coronal cryosections of E12.5 brain were double-immunostained for Bre1a and H2Bub1 (E), and boxed areas in the cortex (F), dorsoventral boundary (G), and medial ganglionic eminence (H) are shown with higher magnification. Nonmitotic cells that weakly express Bre1a and H2Bub1 are indicated by arrowheads, and some mitotic cells are indicated by dotted circles and arrows. I, Coronal cryosections of E12.5 brain were immunostained for PH3, and then, double immunostained for Bre1a and H2Bub1. Alexa Fluor-633 signal for PH3 is pseudo-colored and shown in blue. LV, Lateral ventricle. Scale bars: A, E, J–L, 200 μm; B–D, F–I, 50 μm.