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. 2014 Feb 19;34(8):2822–2831. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0849-13.2014

Table 2.

Voxel-based analysis of CB1R changes in healthy subjects after acute alcohol administration and in alcoholic patients after chronic heavy drinking and abstinence

Cluster level
Voxel level
Peak voxel MNI coordinates
Intensity difference (%) Cluster location
pcor kEXT pFWE T x y z
ALC ACU > baselinea
    0.004 901 0.001 7.37 50 −52 2 +12.1 Inferior temporal gyrus (fusiform gyrus), BA 37
0.002 6.53 48 −46 6 +6.6 Middle temporal gyrus, BA 21
0.004 6.28 52 −44 −12 +10.4 Inferior temporal gyrus, BA 20
0.005 6.09 50 −40 32 +12.9 Inferior parietal lobule (supramarginal gyrus), BA 40
0.007 5.87 50 −46 20 +11.6 Transverse temporal gyrus, BA 41
0.015 5.45 46 −38 10 +9.5 Transverse temporal gyrus, BA 41
0.019 5.33 70 −44 2 +13.3 Middle temporal gyrus, BA 21
0.023 5.22 68 −48 12 +12.9 Middle temporal gyrus, BA 21
0.030 5.05 48 −26 −22 +13.9 Inferior temporal gyrus, BA 20
0.049 4.78 64 −54 20 +10.6 Middle temporal gyrus, BA 21
    0.016 272 0.002 6.54 40 −62 26 +9.1 Inferior parietal lobule (angular gyrus), BA 39
CHR patients < healthy controlsb
    0.033 4282 0.010 4.38 50 −52 −34 −25.9 Cerebellum crus I
0.015 4.24 52 −56 −32 −25.1 Cerebellum crus I
0.020 4.13 48 −64 −30 −24.6 Cerebellum crus I
0.020 4.12 44 −50 −44 −24.1 Cerebellum crus II
0.032 3.94 4 −80 −20 −23.2 Lateral occipital gyrus, BA 18
    0.047 2795 0.045 3.80 42 −44 56 −25.9 Inferior parietal lobule, BA 40
0.048 3.54 38 −42 58 −25.3 Somatosensory cortex, BA 2
0.050 3.75 −12 −82 38 −24.0 Lateral occipital gyrus, BA 19
< 0.001 3.67 28 −82 32 −23.4 Lateral occipital gyrus, BA 19
< 0.001 3.66 28 −66 56 −22.4 Superior parietal lobule, BA 7
< 0.001 3.58 −36 −52 54 −24.3 Inferior parietal lobule, BA 40
ABST patients < healthy controlsc
    <0.001 22958 0.012 4.65 −10 10 10 −21.6 Caudate nucleus
0.014 4.61 48 −64 −30 −23.4 Cerebellum crus I
0.015 4.56 −2 −82 36 −24.0 Lateral occipital gyrus, BA 19
0.016 4.55 22 −82 −36 −20.9 Cerebellum crus II
0.017 4.51 50 −58 −32 −24.0 Cerebellum crus I
0.021 4.43 4 −78 −22 −23.0 Cerebellar vermis
0.021 4.42 −8 10 6 −21.7 Caudate nucleus
0.022 4.42 −12 2 12 −20.3 Caudate nucleus
0.025 4.36 10 12 2 −22.6 Nucleus accumbens
0.034 4.23 18 −36 −4 −20.6 Parahippocampal gyrus
0.035 4.22 32 20 −26 −17.8 Superior temporal gyrus, BA 38
0.036 4.20 6 12 −2 −21.5 Nucleus accumbens
0.038 4.18 30 2 −24 −18.5 Amygdala extending to parahippocampal gyrus
0.038 4.18 14 8 8 −20.4 Caudate nucleus
0.039 4.17 2 16 −4 −20.4 Subgenual anterior cingulate cortex, BA 25
0.042 4.14 50 −4 26 −19.3 Precentral gyrus, BA 4
0.043 4.12 54 4 30 −19.9 Precentral gyrus, BA 4
0.044 4.11 8 16 −2 −21.3 Nucleus accumbens
0.045 4.11 38 −22 −16 −19.2 Hippocampus extending to parahippocampal gyrus
0.045 4.11 40 −48 58 −23.7 Inferior parietal lobule, BA 40
0.047 4.09 50 −26 26 −18.8 Insula
0.047 4.09 −46 −16 −18 −19.0 Inferior temporal gyrus, BA 20
0.048 4.08 −2 14 −2 −20.6 Caudate nucleus

CHR, alcoholics, chronic condition; ABST, alcoholics, abstinence condition; ALC ACU, acute alcohol condition; pcor, corrected p value; kEXT, cluster size extent (number of voxels); pheight, significant p threshold; FWE, familywise error (=peak height corrected for multiple voxel comparisons); T, peak voxel t statistic.

aSignificant clusters obtained at a voxel-level pheight < 0.001 corrected with a cluster-level pcluster < 0.05 corrected and a cluster threshold of 200 voxels.

bSignificant clusters obtained at a voxel-level pheight < 0.001 uncorrected with a cluster-level pcluster < 0.05 corrected and a cluster threshold of 200 voxel.