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. 2019 Mar 25;6(2):221–228. doi: 10.1016/j.ijnss.2019.03.013

Table 1.

Details of studies in this review.

Authors (Year) Country Aim of the study Design and methods Sample and settings Key findings Quality score
Mohammadi N et al. (2016) [9] Iran To explore the experience of pregnancy in Iranian teenage women An interpretive phenomenological study
In-depth interviews
11 adolescent mothers aged 15–17 years
Primary Health Care Centre
  • Fast development

  • Dual self-perception

  • positive self- perception on becoming pregnant,

  • negative self- perception such as feeling doubt to manage responsibilities as mothers

Ngum Chi Watts M et al. (2015) [10] Australia To solicit lived experiences of African Australian young refugee women who had experienced early motherhood in Australia Qualitative study
In-depth interview
16 African Australian teenagers who had refugee backgrounds
Community setting
  • Mixed feelings and experiences, positive feelings: sense of maturity and responsibility,

  • Complete their school education,

  • Social economy strain,

  • Feeling stress and regret,

  • Family support, support from friends and wide community

  • High

Mangeli M et al. (2017) [12] Iran To explore the challenges encountered by Iranian adolescent mothers during the transition to motherhood Qualitative study
In-depth interviews
16 adolescent within ages of 14–18 at the time of childbirth
Community setting
  • Increasing burden of responsibility

  • Experiencing physical problems,

  • Receiving insufficient support,

  • Inefficiency in maternal role,

  • Emotional and mental distress;

  • Role conflict

Sheeran N et al. (2016) [13] Australia To explicate the experience of being a mother for adolescent women who experienced a preterm or term birth in Australia. Interpretative phenomenological study
Individual guided interview
14 primiparous women aged 15–19 years
Four hospitals (both regional and metropolitan) southeast Queensland
  • Birth status did not meaningfully differentiate on being a mother

  • Transforming to be good mother

Copeland R et al. (2017) [15] Costa Rica To gain a better understanding of the lived experiences of mothers, as well as the kinds of support they received during and after the pregnancy Qualitative study
Semi-structured interviews
Case study
22 women who had become pregnant in adolescence (before the age of 18 years)
Primipara and multipara
Community setting
  • Family support was the most important factor in mitigating adolescent experiences of stress

  • Feeling positive towards baby

  • Negative feeling about their choices related to the pregnancy

Malette J et al. (2015) [16] USA To explain the relationships between prenatal and post birth father involvement, inter-parental relationship quality, and maternal identity. Cross-sectional study
Questionnaire of prenatal father involvement
Inter-parental relationship Quality
Maternal identity
125 mothers aged from 14 to 19 years
School based program for adolescent parent from 32 schools in Ohio.
  • Father's involvement associated with adolescent mothers' maternal identity

Sheeran N et al. (2015) [17] Australia To understanding of the daily experience of being a young mother for Australian young women who had preterm infants Qualitative interpretive phenomenological
Individual guided interview
14 primiparous women aged 15–19 years
Four hospitals (both regional and metropolitan) southeast Queensland
  • Joy and delight: Love their infant

  • Infant need and behaviors

  • Emotional rollercoaster and lack of embodied interaction with preterm birth because of “absence of baby”

  • Economy strain

  • Social support

Harrison ME et al. (2017) [18] Canada To share pregnant and parenting youths' experiences with health care to inform recommendations for promoting youth- friendly medical encounters Qualitative descriptive study
Focus group discussion
26 mothers aged 19 years or younger
3 sites Pregnant and parenting youth in community
  • Negative and positive health care encounters

Hunter L et al. (2015) [19] UK To explore how the inpatient experiences of a group of young women who gave birth as teenagers influenced their feeding decisions and experiences, and ascertain their ideals for breastfeeding support Qualitative study
Focus group discussion
15 women aged 16–20 years
Community setting in Oxfordshire
  • Feeling tired after birth,

  • Need relation support

  • Discomfort

Gyesaw N et al. (2013) [24] Ghana To explores the experiences of adolescent mothers during pregnancy, childbirth, and care of their newborns Qualitative study
In-depth interviews
Focus group discussions
54 teenage mothers aged 14–19 years
Facility and community level
  • Reasons for becoming pregnant,

  • Caring for baby

  • Physical problem (Pain after birth)

Salusky I et al. (2013) [25] Dominican Republic To understand the experience of becoming a mother at an early age in a group of marginal young women Qualitative study
Semi-structured interviews
21 young mothers who became pregnant before aged 18 years.
Two areas located in community: Urban and isolated
  • Motivational forces resulting in early motherhood (partner and educational barriers)

  • Feelings surrounding pregnancy and childbirth (mixed emotions)

  • Motherhood was a mark of pride

  • Challenges of economic and educational attainment

  • Unconditional love for baby

Wilson-Mitchell et al. (2014) [26] Jamaica To explore the experiences and impact of pregnancy on pregnant adolescents' psychological health Mixed method
Individual interview, focus group interviews
30 pregnant adolescent 16 years and older
Two hospital held a “Teen-centred” clinic and a standard antenatal clinic.
  • Social support from family, partner and friend

  • Community support system

  • Psychological distress

  • Positive and negative perceptions of health services

Klingberg-Allvin et al. (2008) [27] Vietnam To explores married Vietnamese adolescents' perceptions and experiences related to transition into motherhood and their encounter with health care service Qualitative study
In-depth interviews
22 women younger than 20 who were either pregnant or had newly delivered
The Commune Health Centre (CHC)
  • Ambivalence in the transition to motherhood

  • Support from husband and extended family

  • Lacking power with regard to decisions in relation to pregnancy, delivery, and contraceptive usage

DeVito J. (2010) [28] USA To explore and better understand first-time adolescent mothers' meanings and experiences of parenting during the 4-to-6 week postpartum period Qualitative study
Individual interview with open-ended
126 adolescent mothers
Four postpartum clinical sites
  • Struggle with between their development and being new mother, isolation and despair to maternal role, growing up

Roberts S et al. (2011) [29] Australia To explore the lived experiences and social context prior to becoming pregnant, of women who became mothers during adolescence in rural Victoria Qualitative interpretive phenomenological
In-depth semi-structured interviews
Four mothers aged between 16 and 20 years
Rural North East Victoria
  • Feeling isolated,

  • Feeling dissatisfied

  • Life change: Transition into adulthood

  • understanding in sexual relationship

Wahn E et al.(2005) [30] Sweden To describe the perspectives, experiences, and reasoning about becoming and being a teenage mother by Swedish teenage girls. Qualitative study
Individual interview
20 pregnant and parenting girl aged 15–19 years
Urban, rural and suburban district
  • Becoming teenage mother (Social economy problem, family pattern)

  • Positive transition (feel maturity)

  • Supportive relationship (relevant support from families, friends and society)

Ngai FW et al. (2015) [35] Hong Kong To explore Chinese women's perceptions of maternal role competence and factors contributing to maternal role competence during early motherhood. Exploratory descriptive study
Semi-structured interviews
26 mothers at six weeks postpartum aged 18 years or above
Home visit
  • Lack knowledge and experiences of infant care

  • Social support

  • Contradictory information

  • Commitment to caring for physical and emotional well-being of child

DeVito J. (2007) [36] USA To investigate factors that may contribute to self-perceptions of parenting in adolescent mothers during the 4- to 6-week post-partum period Descriptive correlational design
The Norbeck social support Questionnaire (NSSQ)
The what being the parent of a baby is like-revised instrument
126 adolescent mothers under 20 years of age, 4–6 weeks postpartum
Four sites in New Jersey
  • Social support from her mother and the baby's father.

  • Education attainment in the future
