a. Schematic showing allograft lymphoma model, where lymphoma cells are injected via tail vein into 9-weeks old C57BL/6J mice. Three days after lymphoma engraftment, mice are randomized to receive either vehicle or tamoxifen treatment by oral gavage for 5 days. b. Kaplan-Meier analysis for lymphoma-free survival of mice bearing Eμ-myc; ATF4fl/fl lymphoma treated with either vehicle (veh) or tamoxifen (tam) for 5 days. n=9 for Eμ-myc; ATF4fl/fl lymphoma tamoxifen group, all other groups n=10. Kaplan-Meier curves were analyzed by two-tailed log-rank test. c. Kaplan-Meier analysis for overall survival of mice bearing Eμ-myc; ATF4fl/fl lymphoma (left) or Eμ-myc; ATF4+/+ lymphoma (right). Kaplan-Meier curves were analyzed by two-tailed log-rank test. d. Immunoblot of B cells isolated from Eμ-myc; ATF4fl/fl lymphoma bearing mice a day after the last day of tamoxifen treatment. e. Lymph node weight of mice in panel d, n=3 per group, error bars represent mean ± SD, two tailed student t-test. f. Immunoblot of lymphoma lysates from mice in panel e. For d and f, lysates from three different mice per treatment were used. g. DLD-1, MycER, i-shATF4 cells were transplanted into 12-week-old nude mice and tumor size is shown. One (−) Dox mouse had to be sacrificed on day 12 because tumor reached maximum size limit. n=4 (−) Dox and n=4 (+) Dox. Two-way ANOVA, error bars represent mean± SEM. Unprocessed scans of blots are shown in Supplementary Fig 7.