Table 1.
Summary of recruited literature.
Authors/Issuance entity | Year | Country | Language | Research design/type | Themes |
Wong et al. [9] | 2012 | China | English | Review of literature and policy documents | Development of nursing education in China |
Zhang and Wang [10] | 1994 | China | Chinese | Descriptive analysis | Pilot of China's nursing licensure examination |
Tang and Jiang [11] | 2015 | China | Chinese | Comparative study, review of literature and policy documents | Comparison on the test guidelines for RN licensure examination in China and the United States |
MOH of China, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security [12] | 2010 | China | Chinese | Policy document | Measures for the National Nursing Licensure Examination |
Zhao and Zhang [13] | 1997 | China | Chinese | Descriptive analysis | Content, format, and management of the NNLE |
NCSBN [14] | 2018 | United States | English | Policy document | Information for registrations and scheduling of NCLEX appointments |
NCSBN [15] | 2018 | United States | English | Policy document | Requirements for eligibility to take the NCLEX and to get a license/registration |
California Board of Registered Nursing [16] | 2018 | United States | English | Policy document | Steps to become a California registered nurse |
Health Human Resources Development Center [17] | 2018 | China | Chinese | Policy document | Information for taking the NNLE |
The NNLE Committee [18] | 2017 | China | Chinese | Policy document | Cut Scores for the NNLE |
Chen [19] | 2016 | China | Chinese | Descriptive analysis, review of policy documents | Design and future development of the NNLE |
Fan and Xiao [20] | 2017 | China | Chinese | Review of literature | Teaching of internal nursing science based on the NNLE |
Wang [21] | 2017 | China | Chinese | Treatment-control study | Nursing education reform and nursing students' performance in the NNLE |
Yang [22] | 2017 | China | Chinese | General introduction | Nursing education reform based on the NNLE |
Zhang et al. [23] | 2011 | China | Chinese | Review of policy documents | History, role, and future development of the NNLE |
MOH of China [24] | 2008 | China | Chinese | Policy document | Regulation on nurse practicing and registration |
Su [25] | 2018 | China | Chinese | Review of policy documents and literature | Reform of the NNLE and development of nursing education |
Zhuang [26] | 2014 | China | Chinese | Review of policy documents | Nursing care of infectious patients in the NNLE |
Yang and Yang [27] | 2015 | China | Chinese | Review of policy documents and literature | Nurse licensure and continuous management |
Yi et al. [28] | 2011 | China | Chinese | Review of policy documents and literature | Development tendency of the NNLE and coping strategies |