1. Self-discovery |
Having a fuller and deeper understanding of oneself. |
1.1 Emotional life |
Discovering or re-discovering how to access, accept and be mindful of inner emotional life and difficult feelings. |
1.2 Self-knowledge |
Knowing oneself better, being more authentic and not being as shaped by the expectations of others. |
1.3 Self-acceptance |
Grieving and letting go of the past, and developing self-compassion. |
1.4 Self-responsibility |
Taking (back) responsibility for one’s own life. |
2. Sense of self |
Development of a more positive sense of self, including integration and valuing of illness experiences. |
2.1 Pride in self |
Taking pride in oneself, including personal strengths and achievements. |
2.2 Integration of experiences |
Illness experiences become an accepted part of one’s sense of self. |
2.3 Valuing of experiences |
Finding positives in the experience of illness. |
3. Life perspective |
New or renewed appreciation of or gratitude about aspects of life. |
3.1 Appreciation of life |
Appreciation for life and the importance of hopefulness. |
3.2 Appreciation of support |
Gratitude for support received from services. |
3.3 Meaningful suffering |
Gratitude that suffering was meaningful and not in vain. |
3.4 Survivor mission |
New growth of political consciousness or use of illness experiences to benefit others. |
4. Well-being |
More active engagement in, and management of, one’s own well-being and lifestyle. |
4.1 Motivation |
Increased determination to stay well, self-manage and not return to a bad situation. |
4.2 Being active |
More engagement in the arts, music, sport, nature and learning. |
5. Relationships |
More actively choosing and valuing relationships with others. |
5.1 Choosing relationships |
Actively choosing relationships to continue, to re-start or to end. |
5.2 Valuing relationships |
Placing more value on relationships with others. |
5.3 Empathy |
Enhanced ability to empathise with others. |
6 Spirituality |
Deeper engagement with spirituality, religious and existential endeavours. |
6.1 Spiritual awareness |
Increased awareness of the presence of something greater than oneself making a positive contribution by providing meaning. |
6.2 Spiritual engagement |
New or renewed engagement with spiritual or religious practices, helping with meaning-making and providing comfort and security. |