Fig. 3.
Midazolam pharmaco-EEG at baseline and 1 h post administration (5 mg oral). a PSDs averaged across participants for the baseline (black) and 1 h post administration (purple) conditions. Colored highlights represent 95% confidence intervals of the mean. Both conditions show spectral peaks in the alpha and beta bands; the alpha peak appears diminished and the beta peak appears enhanced by midazolam challenge. b Topographic scalp power 1 h post administration at the Dup15q syndrome peak frequency (23.1 Hz). c Topographic scalp power from the baseline condition at the Dup15q syndrome peak frequency (23.1 Hz). d Effect sizes (Cohen’s d) of midazolam-induced power change at 23.1 Hz. The largest power changes occur at central channels Fz, Cz, and Pz (Cf. Fig. 3c)