Fig 4.
EEG signature of pharmacological GABAA receptor modulation in healthy adult participants. Healthy adult participants (n = 12) were challenged orally with a GABAA PAM (5 mg midazolam). a Average power change in all channels 1 h following drug administration referenced to baseline (absolute power averaged across participants). Most channels displayed an increase in power in the beta band. b Channel-averaged power change. The colored highlight represents the 95% confidence interval. The average power change appears to largely plateau between the peak power change (16.1 Hz, red vertical line) and the Dup15q syndrome peak frequency (23.1 Hz, black vertical line). c Scalp topography of the −log10(p value) multiplied by the sign of the t-statistic from a two-tailed t test at 23.1 Hz. Three central channels (Fz, Cz, and Pz, indicated with a star symbol) survive an FDR correction for multiple channels (p value threshold = 3 × 10−3). d Power change averaged across central channels. We visualized the average power change for those channels that survived the FDR correction at 23.1 Hz. The colored highlight represents the 95% confidence interval. The power change peaks at 23.0 Hz (red vertical line), very close to the Dup15q syndrome peak frequency (23.1 Hz, black vertical line; Cf. Fig. 1a).