Fig. 1. Mean APE according to different nodule types and nodule sizes with five different radiation dose settings.
APEs according to different nodule types and nodule sizes on (A) 120 kVp/100 mAs, (B) 120 kVp/50 mAs, (C) 120 kVp/20 mAs, (D) 120 kVp/10 mAs, (E) 80 kVp/10 mAs. Nodules with significantly lower APEs in MIR are marked with single asterisk (*). iDose4 and IMR; Philips Healthcare. APE = absolute percentage measurement error, FBP = filtered back projection, GGO = ground-glass opacity, IMR-R1 = body routine level 1, IMR-ST1 = body soft tissue level 1, IMR-SP1 = sharp plus level 1, MIR = model-based iterative reconstruction, PSN = part-solid nodule