Figure 7.
Characterization of chia seed identity markers in experimental bakery products. Non-targeted metabolite profiling analyses of polar extracts were generated from experimental cookies that were prepared, left to right, with 5, 10, 15, or 20% (w/w) defatted seed flour of single seed types, 15 ± 5% (w/w) whole seeds of single seed types, or an equal (w/w/w) mixture of whole seeds. Inserts show the Pearson’s correlation coefficients of weight percentage of the seed types and normalized abundance of marker compounds. Normalized abundances are means ± standard error (n = 4–5), bars without whiskers are single observations. (A) Compound C04: 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde. (B) Compound C09: a tri-saccharide with best match to melezitose. (C) Compound C12: a monomethylinositol with best mass spectral match to pinitol. Tukey’s test (lowercase letters) was performed, if applicable. If the compound was not detectable in control samples, exemplary t-tests are included (P).