Figure 2.
Altered expression of Ghd8 affects rice heading date. (a–d) Phenotype performances of wild type (WT) and Ghd8 overexpression line (OE) under LD conditions (14.5 h light: 9.5 h dark) (a) and SD conditions (9 h light: 15 h dark) (b). Arrows indicate the first emerging panicle. Heading date of WT and OE in LD (c) and SD (d) conditions. (e,f) The expression of Ghd8 (e) and Hd3a (f). (g–j) Performances of WT and artificial microRNA line (AMI) of Ghd8 in LD (g) and SD (h) conditions. Heading date of WT and AMI plants under LD (i) and SD (j) conditions. (k,1) The expression of Ghd8 (k) and Hd3a (l) in WT and AMI plants. Asterisks ** and * represent significant difference compared to WT by t-test at p < 0.01 and p < 0.05 levels, respectively. Error bars indicate the mean ± SD, with three to five replicates.