Search terms |
Unless otherwise stated, search terms are free text terms; MeSH = Medical subject heading (Medline medical index term); exp = exploded MeSH; the dollar sign ($) stands for any character(s); the question mark (?) = to substitute for one or no characters; tw = text word; pt = publication type; sh = MeSH; adj = adjacent. 1. Hypothyroidism/ [MeSH term, all subterms and sub trees included] 2. hypothyr* or hypo‐thyr* [in abstract or title] 3. thyroid deficien* [in abstract or title] 4. thyroid insufficien* [in abstract or title] 5. 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 6. (mild or compens* or subclinic* or sub‐clinic* or moderat* or short‐term) [in abstract or title] 7. 5 and 6 8. Thyroid hormones/ [MeSH term, all subterms and sub trees included] 9. thyroid hormon* [in abstract or title] 10. (thyronin* or thyroxin* or tyroxin*) [in abstract or title] 11. (L‐thyroxin* or L‐triiod?thyronin* or L‐thyronin*) [in abstract or title] 12. (L‐T3 or L‐T4 or FT3 or FT4) [in abstract or title] 13. (t3 hormon* or t 3 hormon* or t4 hormon* or t 4 hormon* or T3 or T4) [in abstract or title] 14. substitution therap* [in abstract or title] 15. 8 or 9 or 10 or 11 or 12 or 13 or 14 16. 7 and 15 Search strategy for systematic reviews: 1. meta‐analysis [publication type] 2. meta‐anal* [text word] 3. metaanal* [text word] 4. (quantitativ* OR cuantitativ*) AND (review* OR overview* OR revis* OR evaluation*) [text word] 5. (systematic* OR sistemat*) AND (review* OR overview* OR revis* OR evaluation*) [text word] 6. (methodologic* OR metodolog*) AND (review* OR overview* OR revis* OR evaluation*) [text word] 7. #1 OR #3 OR #3 OR #4 OR #5 OR #6 |