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. 2019 Aug;109(8):1122–1129. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2019.305115


Characteristics of the Participants Included in the Randomized Controlled Trial, Overall and by Randomization Group: France, 2017

Characteristic Nutri-Score Reference Intakes No Label Total
Total, no. 623 651 592 1866
Gender, no. (%)
 Men 158 (25.4) 185 (28.4) 154 (26.0) 497 (26.6)
 Women 465 (74.6) 466 (71.6) 438 (74.0) 1369 (73.4)
Age, y, mean ±SD 20.4 ±2.0 20.5 ±1.9 20.4 ±1.9 20.4 ±1.9
Educational level, no. (%)
 University undergraduate degree 382 (61.3) 384 (59.0) 361 (61.0) 1127 (60.4)
 University postgraduate degree 241 (38.7) 267 (41.0) 231 (39.0) 739 (39.6)
Grocery shopping frequency, no. (%)
 Always 298 (47.8) 327 (50.2) 283 (47.8) 908 (48.7)
 Often 187 (30.0) 173 (26.6) 171 (28.9) 531 (28.4)
 Sometimes 138 (22.2) 151 (23.2) 138 (23.3) 427 (22.9)
Online grocery shopping, no. (%) 196 (31.5) 201 (30.9) 183 (30.9) 580 (31.1)
Online grocery shopping frequency, no. (%)
 ≥ 1 time per wk 25 (12.8) 29 (14.4) 18 (9.8) 72 (12.4)
 1 or 2 times per mo 48 (24.5) 41 (20.4) 31 (16.9) 120 (20.7)
 1 time every 2 or 3 mo 45 (23.0) 53 (26.4) 31 (16.9) 129 (22.2)
 1 or 2 times per y 43 (21.9) 49 (24.4) 66 (36.1) 158 (27.3)
 < 1 time per y 35 (17.9) 29 (14.4) 37 (20.2) 101 (17.4)
Weekly budget for grocery shopping, €, no. (%)
 < 30 233 (37.4) 251 (38.6) 235 (39.7) 719 (38.5)
 30–50 206 (33.1) 216 (33.2) 182 (30.7) 604 (32.4)
 50–100 121 (19.4) 117 (18.0) 104 (17.6) 342 (18.3)
 > 100 63 (10.1) 67 (10.3) 71 (12.0) 201 (10.8)
Family assistance for food supplies, no. (%) 360 (57.8) 365 (56.1) 353 (59.6) 1078 (57.8)
Perceived nutritional knowledge level, no. (%)
 High 47 (7.5) 46 (7.1) 48 (8.1) 141 (7.6)
 Intermediate 246 (39.5) 271 (41.6) 248 (41.9) 765 (41.0)
 Low 297 (47.7) 302 (46.4) 264 (44.6) 863 (46.2)
 No knowledge 33 (5.3) 32 (4.9) 32 (5.4) 97 (5.2)
Nutrition facts reading frequency, no. (%)
 Always 63 (10.1) 91 (14.0) 73 (12.3) 227 (12.2)
 Often 218 (35.0) 236 (36.3) 208 (35.1) 662 (35.5)
 Sometimes 270 (43.3) 247 (37.9) 234 (39.5) 751 (40.2)
 Never 72 (11.6) 77 (11.8) 77 (13.0) 226 (12.1)
Virtual supermarket shopping cart, mean ±SD
 Total cost, € 47.6 ±31.4 49.6 ±39.2 46.7 ±30.1 48.0 ±34.0
 No. of products 20.8 ±15.6 25.9 ±18.9 23.4 ±14.5 23.4 ±16.6
Overall nutritional quality (FSAm-NPS/HCSP) score (per 100 g)
 Median (minimum, maximum) 2.2 (−7.0, 23.0) 2.5 (−5.6, 22.0) 2.5 (−10.0, 15.0) 2.4 (−10.0, 23.0)
 Range (interquartile range) 30.0 (4.5) 27.6 (4.3) 25.0 (4.1) 33.0 (4.3)

Note. FSAm-NPS/HCSP = Food Standards Agency Nutrient Profiling System/High Council of Public Health.