Proportion of CD62L+, CD64+, CCR2+, HLA,A,B,C+ or HLA,DR,DP,DQ+ cells among peripheral blood monocytes from donors with or without chronic toxoplasmosis. Plastic-adherent PBMCs were isolated from blood samples and were fluorescently labeled using FITC-conjugated anti-CD14 or antibodies directed against the indicated surface markers or isotype control antibodies and PE-conjugated secondary antibodies. Blood donors were serologically classified as chronically T. gondii-infected or non-infected using plasma from the blood samples. (A) CD14+ monocytes (R1) were back-gated and identified (R2) among FSC/SSC-analyzed total cells. R2-gated cells were then analyzed for expression of cell surface markers as indicated, and positive cells were identified after specific (anti-CCR2 in (A); see Supplementary Figure 2 for the other surface markers) and isotype control labeling. (B–F) Percentages of monocytes from T. gondii seropositive or seronegative individuals positive for cell surface markers as indicated. Solid and dashed lines in the box-whisker plots indicate median and mean values, respectively; circles indicate individual data points. Data are from 5 T. gondii seropositive and 16 seronegative blood donors; outlyers were excluded.*p < 0.05 (Student's t-test).