Figure 8.
Effect of KYNA analogs SZR 72 and SZR 105 on the TNF-α production and TSG-6 secretion in human whole blood cells stimulated by heat inactivated Staphylococcus aureus. EDTA-anticoagulated blood samples 1–1 mL each of 10 donors were incubated with SZR72 or SZR105 at a concentration of 500 μM for 30 min prior to the addition of heat inactivated Staphylococcus aureus (107/ml) The concentrations of TNF-α and that of TSG-6 in the plasma were determined after 18 h incubation period by TNF-α and TSG-6 ELISA plotted on the left and right Y axis, respectively. The data are depicted as box and whiskers plots, where the lines inside the boxes denote medians, and the boxes mark the interval between 25 and 75 percentile, and the whiskers the maximum and minimum. Significance were determined by the Mann-Whitney test.