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. 2019 Jul 5;14(7):e0219087. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0219087

Table 2. Description of psychomotor vigilance task test outcome measures (female employees of University Hospital Bergmannsheil, Bochum, working night and day shifts).

Day shift Night shift p-value*
Study days (n)
    1st day 71 71
    2nd day 71 71
    3rd day - 64
Psychomotor vigilance task outcomes Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
Mean reaction time [ms]
    Total 234.87 (20.23) 241.74 (23.49) <0.0001
    1st day 235.99 (19.97) 243.81 (23.69) 0.0002
    2nd day 233.74 (20.56) 241.13 (23.15) <0.0001
    3rd day n/a 240.13 (23.82)
Mean slowest 10% reaction time [ms]
    1st day 317.64 (19.99) 322.94 (20.78) 0.009
    2nd day 313.69 (20.68) 318.94 (20.61) 0.009
    3rd day n/a 319.37(23.28)
Mean fastest 10% reaction time [ms]
    1st day 184.47 (18.02) 190.98 (21.24) 0.003
    2nd day 183.84 (18.87) 191.06 (19.51) <0.0001
    3rd day n/a 186.94 (19.95)5.28 (4.98, 5.86)
Psychomotor vigilance task outcomes % %
Lapses (reaction time ≥355ms) [%]
    1st day 6.44 (4.62) 9.01 (10.53) 0.0728
    2nd day 6.08 (5.35) 9.19 (9.09) 0.0003
    3rd day n/a 7.83 (8.04)
False starts (reaction time <100ms) [%]
    1st day 2.94 (4.81) 3.25 (7.26) 0.3259
    2nd day 2.92 (7.75) 2.91 (5.57) 0.4290
    3rd day n/a 3.06 (5.21)
Reaction time coefficient of variation (RTCV)
    1st day 28.70 (9.51) 28.27 (14.19) 0.2056
    2nd day 28.06 (14.80) 28.68 (11.05) 0.7439
    3rd day n/a 28.66 (11.04)
    1st day 229.91 (33.25) 216.12 (45.09) 0.0009
    2nd day 233.70 (36.81) 217.30 (46.76) <0.0001
    3rd day n/a 223.25 (46.08)

SD, standard deviation

† RTCV = [SD(reactiontimeallstimuli)mean(reactiontimeallstimuli)]*100

‡ Throughput = [NcorrectresponsesCumulativereactiontimes(falseandcorrect)]

*p-values for differences between day and night shifts from paired t-test for reaction time, RCTV, and throughput and from Wilcoxon signed-rank test for error percentages