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. 2019 Jul 1;12:481–487. doi: 10.2147/CCID.S195191

Table 1.

Socio-demographic characteristics of the participants according to their case-control status

Case Control Overall p-value#
n % n % n %
 Male 151 54.1 149 53.4 300 53.8 0.93
 Female 128 45.9 130 46.6 258 46.2
Age, years (mean ± SD) 18.7±3.2 18.2±4.1 18.4±3.7 0.099
 10–14 34 12.2 58 20.8 92 16.5
 15–19 113 40.5 90 32.3 203 36.4
 20–24 131 47.3 132 47.0 263 47.1
Occupation status
 None 83 29.7 86 30.8 169 30.3 0.003
 Student 90 32.3 84 30.1 174 31.2
 Self-employed 45 16.1 72 25.8 117 21.0
 Government employee 46 16.5 34 12.2 80 14.3
 Unskilled worker 15 5.4 3 1.1 18 3.2
Physical exercise
 No 221 79.2 178 63.8 399 71.5 <0.001
 Occasionally 42 15.1 77 27.6 119 21.3
 Regularly 16 5.7 24 8.6 40 7.2
On a diet
 No 265 95.0 240 86.0 505 90.5 <0.001
 Yes 14 5.0 39 14.0 53 9.5
BMI, kg/m2 (mean ± SD) 24.5±2.8 24.0±2.7 24.3±2.8 0.077
 <18.5 4 1.4 0 0.0 4 0.7
 18.5–23 89 31.9 104 37.3 193 34.6
 >23 186 66.7 175 62.7 361 64.7
Smoking habits
 No 242 86.7 233 83.5 475 85.1 0.34
 Ex/current smoker 37 13.3 46 16.5 83 14.9
Cannabis habits
 No 257 92.1 260 93.2 517 92.7 0.74
 Ex/current user 22 7.9 19 6.8 41 7.3
Age at menarche, years (mean ± SD), (n=225)* 12.8±0.7 12.7±0.8 12.7±0.7 0.35
 ≤12 34 28.6 36 34.0 70 31.1
 >12 85 71.4 70 66.0 155 68.9
Sibling history of acne, (n=516)**
 No 135 51.7 204 80.0 339 65.7 <0.001
 Yes 126 48.3 51 20.0 177 34.3
Sleep duration, hours (mean ± SD) 7.6±1.3 8.4±1.3 8.0±1.3 <0.001

Notes: #p-value for independent t-test and Pearson X2 test were used to assess the differences between case and control groups. *Girls who had not reached menarche were excluded from analysis. **Subjects whose sibling history of acne was unknown were excluded from analysis.