Fig. 3.
ARG1-containing EVs contribute to systemic immune suppression in OvCa patients. a Correlation of relative expression of ARG1 in plasma-derived EVs (isolated from n = 14 OvCa patients [circles] and n = 5 patients with benign cyst of the ovary [squares]) and plasma ARG activity. R2 value and P values calculated with GraphPad Prism 6.0. Dotted lines mark 95% confidence intervals. b–e Black circles mark OvCa samples with no CD8+ T-cell proliferation inhibition (n = 4), green circles (n = 3)—moderate proliferation inhibition, and red circles (n = 7)—complete or nearly complete proliferation inhibition. Blue squares mark benign cyst samples. b Proliferation of peripheral blood CD8+ T-cells in n = 14 OvCa patients and n = 5 patients with benign ovarian cyst normalized to the mean proliferation of n = 5 healthy controls. Data show means ± SD, P-value calculated with Mann–Whitney U-test. c Correlation of the peripheral blood CD8+ T cell percentage of proliferation inhibition and CD3ζ levels evaluated in flow cytometry. R2 value and P value calculated with GraphPad Prism 6.0. Dotted lines mark 95% confidence intervals. d Percentages of peripheral blood CD8+ cells proliferation inhibition as a function of ARG activity in plasma of n = 14 OvCa patients and n = 5 patients with benign cyst of the ovary. e CD3ζ levels evaluated in flow cytometry as a function of ARG activity in the plasma of n = 14 OvCa patients and n = 5 patients with benign cyst of the ovary. Source data are provided as a Source Data file