Fig. 6.
HDAC6 is not the key HDAC effector in the beneficial action of ACY-738. a Western blot of α-tubulin acetylation levels in the spinal cord of P60 non-Tg Hdac6 WT, Tg FUS+/+ Hdac6 WT, non-Tg Hdac6 KO mice, and vehicle- or ACY-738-treated Tg FUS+/+ Hdac6 KO mice. Calnexin levels were used as reference for equal loading. The bar graph represents the quantification of the ratio of α-tubulin acetylation to calnexin and normalization to non-Tg Hdac6 WT controls. n = 3, One-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons test. b Kaplan-Meier survival analysis of Tg FUS+/+ Hdac6 WT and vehicle- or ACY-738-treated Tg FUS+/+ Hdac6 KO mice. Median life span of Tg FUS+/+ Hdac6 WT control mice is 73 days, that of vehicle-treated Tg FUS+/+ Hdac6 KO mice is 79 days, that of ACY-738-treated Tg FUS+/+ Hdac6 KO mice is 120 days. n = 10–21, Log-rank test. *P < 0.05, ****P < 0.0001. Data are presented as means ± SEM