Figure 2.
Subcutaneous Adipose eQTL for PRKAR2A Colocalizes with the DALRD3 Adiponectin Exome-wide Locus
rs3087866 (purple diamond) shows the strongest association with adiponectin levels in the exome-wide meta-analysis (top plot). In the ADIPOGen genome-wide adiponectin meta-analysis (middle plot),14 rs3087866 and 85 proxy variants (r2 > 0.80; 1000Gp3) are nominally associated with adiponectin levels. The same variants exhibit the strongest association with expression of PRKAR2A in subcutaneous adipose tissue (lower plot).41 Colocalized eQTL signals are also observed for AMT and NICN1 (see Figure S12). Each point represents a variant, plotted with hg19 genomic position on the x axis and p value (on a −log10 scale) on the y axis. The color of all other variants indicates the LD with the lead variant in European ancestry haplotypes from the 1000 Genomes Phase 3 reference panel.