Tells the TPS what type of data is held within the DICOM file. Ex: Values of ‘1.2.840.10008.’ and ‘1.2.840.10008.’ tell software that the written data are CT images or RT-Structure files, respectively. |
TransferSyntaxUID |
The set of encoding rules used during file write-out. In the DICOM-RT Generator, the Explicit VR Little Endian syntax is used (‘1.2.840.10008.1.2.1’), as some TPS require every metadata element to have been explicitly serialized. |
StudyInstanceUID & SeriesInstanceUID |
Unique IDs for the “study” and “series” that the data belong to. Unique IDs are randomly generated in MATLAB using the built-in dicomuid function. |
SOPInstanceUID |
Unique ID for any file. This is used to link organ contours to a particular CT image slice. MATLAB generates a unique SOPInstanceUID during file write-out with the dicomwrite function. |
FrameOfReferenceUID |
Unique ID for the coordinate system for a series of images. By existing within the same Frame of Reference, the TPS knows that images must be spatially related to one another. |
CT Specific Metadata Tags |
Image Position Patient (IPP) |
Identifies the coordinates (mm) of the center of the voxel located in the upper-left-hand corner of the image slice. |
Image Orientation Patient (IOP) |
The directional cosines of the image’s rows and columns with respect to the IPP. |
PixelSpacing |
Physical dimensions of the phantom (mm): row spacing (y-dimension), column spacing (x-dimension). |
SliceThickness |
Physical dimension of the phantom (mm) determining the space between image slices (z-dimension). |
RT-Structure Specific Metadata Tags |
StructureSetROISequence |
Data structure that contains the order of the organ contours and the names for each contour. |
RTROIObservationsSequence |
Data structure that, for each organ contour, details whether it is an organ contour or external contour. |
ROIContourSequence |
Contains a large structure of organ contour data on each image slice, linked using the SOPInstanceUID. |