Table 1.
Participant flow
Number of patients | |
Total populationa | 1,008 |
Completed the month 6 visit | 666 (66.1%) |
Ineligible according to at least one inclusion/exclusion criterion | 22 (2.2%) |
Missing visit at month 2 | 385 (38.2%) |
Missing baseline DSST assessment | 5 (0.5%) |
Missing month 2 DSST assessment | 16 (1.6%) |
Analysis populationb,c | 598 (59.3%) |
Adverse event | 1 (0.2%d) |
Lost to follow-up | 50 (8.4%d) |
Completed the 6-month observational study | 547 (91.5%d) |
Notes: aTotal population: All enrolled patients who gave written informed consent. bAnalysis population: All patients in the total population who were eligible according to study inclusion/exclusion criteria, and who had valid DSST assessments at baseline and month 2. c18 patients had more than one reason for being excluded from the analysis population. dOf the analysis population.
Abbreviation: DSST, Digit Symbol Substitution Test.