Fig. 6.
Germination data from Bass’s sealed can experiment, initiated in 1959. Seeds of five species were dried to 4 % moisture, sealed in air and placed at temperatures of approximately −12 (closed triangles), −1 (open squares), 10 (closed circles), 21 (open diamonds) and 32 (asterisks) °C, and assayed for viability at the indicated years. Data for each crop and storage temperature were fitted to the Avrami model (curves), which was used to calculate longevity parameters (P50, solid horizontal line). Points enclosed in a capsule for the 2017 germination assay also represent materials used for RIN analyses. Note that, unlike other species, safflower seeds stored at −12 °C had lower germination levels than those stored at −1 or +10 °C. Samples for lettuce at −12 and +10 °C were depleted.