Figure 4.
(A) Illustration of the MnO2 NS-based colorimetric assay for GSH quantification, where the MnO2 NSs acted as an oxidase-like nanozyme for the formation of ox-TMB and GSSG. Reprinted from Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 90, Liu J, Meng L, Fei Z, Dyson P, Jing X, Liu X. MnO nanosheets as an artificial enzyme to mimic oxidase for rapid and sensitive detection of glutathione, 69–74, Copyright (2017), with permission from Elsevier.68 (B) Schematic design of the Janus protected DNA nanomachine, where miRNA-21 is employed as a model cellular RNA target (green sequence), the red X denotes DNA, PS (phosphorothioate)-DNA, 2ʹOMe (methylation)-DNA and LNA (locked nuclease acid) monomers, which are highlighted in the DNA partzymes (gray sequences). Reprinted with permission from Chen F, Bai M, Zhao Y, Cao K, Cao X, Zhao Y. MnO-nanosheet-powered protective janus DNA nanomachines supporting robust RNA imaging. Anal Chem. 2018;90(3):2271–2276.69 Copyright 2018 American Chemical Society.