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. 2019 Jul 8;14(7):e0216350. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0216350

Table 2. Exposure prevalence, stroke event and hazard ratios for selected modifiable socioeconomic exposures, after multiple imputation, adjustment for age, sex and the DAG model.

Age-sex adjusted model
Exposure N
Total population*
No. of incident strokes
HR 95% CI p-value
Socio-economic characteristics
Equivalised income    
1 (Top quintile) 8,793 42 1 (ref)
2 8,613 65 1.17 0.64 to 2.15 0.601
3 8,270 88 1.41 0.71 to 2.81 0.320
4 8,334 135 1.78 0.98 to 3.20 0.057
5 (lowest quintile) 6,743 102 1.86 0.95 to 3.62 0.069
SIMD 2012  
5 (least deprived) 10,012 170 1 (ref)
4 10,013 129 1.47 1.0 to 2.17 0.053
3 10,216 114 1.83 1.26 to 2.68 0.002
2 10,366 104 1.79 1.23 to 2.60 0.002
1 (most deprived) 8,819 66 2.47 1.74 to 3.51 <0.001
Carstairs 2001  
1 (least deprived) 9,295 87 1 (ref)
2 11,623 120 1.55 1.10 to 2.19 0.012
3 10,427 133 1.41 1.00 to 1.98 0.047
4 9,124 106 1.64 1.15 to 2.36 0.007
5 (most deprived) 8,957 137 2.00 1.44 to 2.79 <0.001
Social class  
I. Professional 2,287 16 1 (ref)
II. Managerial–Technical 13,253 114 1.26 0.63 to 2.55 0.518
IIIN. Skilled–non-manual 10,717 117 1.99 0.98 to 4.05 0.059
IIIM. Skilled–manual 9,050 136 1.85 0.93 to 3.70 0.081
IV. Semi-skilled–manual 8,467 124 2.53 1.25 to 5.12 0.010
Unskilled–manual 3,261 58 2.11 1.01 to 4.46 0.048
Tertiary level (ISCED 5A-5) 10,795 56 1 (ref)
Post-secondary (ISCED 4-5B) 3,728 20 2.03 1.46 to 2.97 0.057
Upper secondary (ISCED 3A)  7,154 36 1.01 0.59 to 1.79 0.979
Lower secondary (ISCED 3C)  11,648 101 1.41 0.96 to 2.08 0.080
No qualifications (ISCED 0-2A) 14,277 352 2.08 1.46 to 2.97 <0.001
Yes 27,359 154 1 (ref)
 No 20,393 397 1.39 0.97 to 1.98 0.071

* Total population numbers based on the 20th imputation