Table 4. Potential reduction in age-sex standardised rate of Scottish stroke hospital discharges1 2 per 100,000 population and Disability-Adjusted Life-Years (DALY)3 in 2012/13 if exposures were reduced to the TMREL.
Exposure | Reduction in crude hospital discharge rate (2012/13)4 5 |
95% CI Discharge rate | Reduction in number of stroke DALY (2013)6 | 95% CI—DALY |
Education | 132.9 | 89.0 to 169.0 | 18,560 | 12,437 to 23,631 |
SIMD 2012 | 119.5 | 90.4 to 145.2 | 16,695 | 12,629 to 20,282 |
Systolic blood pressure | 107.2 | 72.2 to 137.3 | 14,973 | 10,094 to 19,182 |
Social class | 103.7 | 66.4 to 136.3 | 14,494 | 9,280 to 19,039 |
Smoking | 87.7 | 61.3 to 111.6 | 12,246 | 8,562 to 15,595 |
Carstairs 2001 | 79.6 | 48.8 to 107.4 | 11,241 | 6,888 to 15,164 |
1 Source of Stroke hospital discharge data: Table AS1:
2 Hospital discharge data based on all types of admission as of the year ending 31st March
3 Source of stroke Disability Adjusted Life Year data: Estimates calculated by and provided by the Scottish Burden of Disease Project Group
4 Reduction in hospital discharge rate based on a crude discharge rate for all adults of 342.4 discharges per 100,000 population multiplied by respective PAF
5 Reduction in the number of DALYs based on a stroke DALY estimate of 47,836 for 2013 (calendar year)
6 DAG adjusted PAF estimates used in the calculation of the reduction in stroke crude hospital discharge rate and DALYs.