Specifications table
Subject area | Video transmission over cellular networks |
More specific subject area | Connectivity and ability to transmit large amounts of data, e.g. real-time videostreams |
Type of data | Figures, tables |
How data was acquired | A test vehicle, equipped with 2 high-definition video cameras (Axis F1035, AXIS F44) and a sound unit (AXIS A8105) that were connected via a local TCP/IP network to a multi-channel modem (Viprinet 512N). The modem communicated with a hospital base station (Viprinet Multichannel VPN Hub 1020). While traveling, connectivity data were recorded on the sender side (vehicle) using Viprinet software, while the corresponding videostreams were recorded and evaluated manually on the receiver side (hospital); interruptions of videosignals from individual cameras were annotated and mapped onto the connectivity data. |
Data format | Tables and figures with summary and annotations of raw data |
Experimental factors | Real life transmission of videosignals from moving vehicle travelling through both city and rural areas |
Experimental features | A test vehicle was equipped with two videocameras that were connected via an internal network to a multichannelmodem (Viprinet) that divided the stream onto four parallel and redundant channels. The individual streams were carried on commercial cellular networks (3/4G) from different providers and via a hub (Viprinet) on the receiver side re-combined to one single stream. For details compare methods section. |
Data source location | Skåne county, Sweden (see Fig 1) |
Data accessibility | The reported data is within this article |
Related research article | A Johansson; M Esbjörnsson; P Nordqvist; S Wiinberg; R Andersson; B Ivarsson, S Möller “Technical Feasibility and Ambulance Nurses' View of a Digital Telemedicine system in Pre-hospital Stroke Care – A Pilot Study” International Emergency Nursing (2019), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ienj.2019.03.008[1] |