Sustained TG2 expression accelerates (early) OPC differentiation and increases myelin membrane formation. Wild-type human TG2 (LV TG2) and empty vector (MOCK) were lentivirally expressed in oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs) and subjected to western blot analyses (A,B) or myelin basic protein (MBP) immunocytochemistry (C–E) at the immature (A,C) and mature (B,D,E) oligodendrocyte (imOLG and mOLG, respectively) stage. Note that lentiviral expression of wild type human TG2 (LV TG2) in OPCs results in sustained expression of TG2 (A,B, arrow) and rat TG2 (A,B, arrowhead) upon differentiation. Actin serves as a loading control (A,B). OPC differentiation (C,D) and myelin membrane formation (E) are, respectively, assessed as the percentage of MBP-positive cells and the percentage of myelin membrane bearing MBP-positive cells. Data are shown as mean + SEM, calculated as average percentage compared to MOCK-transduced OPCs, which was set to 100% in each independent experiment (C, n = 8, D,E, n = 5). The percentage of MBP-positive cells in MOCK-transduced cells is 8.7 ± 10.3% at the imOLG stage (C) and 24.9.7 ± 9.9% at the mOLG stage (D), the percentage of myelin membranes at the mOLG stage is 38.9 ± 25.7.0% (E). Statistical analyses were performed using a one-sample t-test (∗∗p < 0.01 and ∗∗∗p < 0.001).