Figure 4.
Radiological analysis of RA mice limbs: X-ray images of the hind legs were taken. (A) NC animal showing normal morphology of bones, viz., tibia (T), fibula (Fb), calcaneum (Ca), patella (P), femur (F), tarsals (T), metatarsals (MT), and phalanges (P). Normal joint space with healthy cartilage at the knee joint (JsK) and ankle joint (JsA) and periarticular soft tissue (ST); inset showing knee joint. (B) DC animal showing periosteal reaction/hypertrophy (PR), bone erosion (B), soft tissue swelling (SS), narrowed joint space (JS), and osteoporosis (OP); inset showing knee joint. (C) Methotrexate (MTX) treated CAIA animal showing PR, B, SS, JS, and OP; inset showing knee joint. (D) CAIA animal treated with DAR showing PR, SS, JS, and OP; inset showing knee joint. (E) Ankle-joint radiological score showed significant arthritis-induced bone damages in the DC animals. Treatment of the CAIA animals with DAR and MTX considerably reduced arthritis-induced bone damages. (F) Knee-joint radiological score showed results similar to those observed in the ankle joint of the CAIA animals. Non-parametric Kruskal–Wallis analysis was used to calculate the statistical difference in NC versus DC (p-value # < 0.05; ## < 0.01), MTX or DAR treatment versus DC (p-value * < 0.05; ** < 0.01).