Figure 5.
H&E stained histopathological analysis of ankle joints. Histopathological images of H&E stained ankle joints taken at low (100×) and high (400×) magnification showing: (A) NC animal showing synovial membrane (Sm), spongy bone (Sb), bone marrow (Bm), joint cavity (Jc). (B) Collagen-antibody and lipopolysaccharide stimulated DC animal showing moderately enlarged synovial membrane (Sm), hyperplastic synovium (Sh), increased synovial vascularity (Sv), calcinosis (Ca), inflammation (In), pannus formation (Pn), and cartilage erosion (Ce). (C) CAIA animals treated with DAR showed mildly enlarged synovial membrane (Sm), hyperplastic synovium (Sh), and presence of inflammatory cells (In). (D) CAIA animals treated with MTX showed enlarged hyperplastic synovium (Sh), inflammation (In), increased synovial vascularity (Sv), and cartilage erosion (Ce). (E) Total lesion score measurement indicated a decrease in total inflammatory lesion score in the CAIA animals following treatment with DAR and MTX. Non-parametric Kruskal–Wallis analysis was used to calculate the statistical difference in NC versus DC (p-value ## < 0.01), MTX or DAR treatment versus DC (p-value * < 0.05; ** < 0.01), and comparison between MTX and DAR treatments [p-value ψ > 0.05 (non-significant)].