Table 2.
Prevalence of Salmonella spp in environmental samples in relationship with plants and sample categories.
Samples | EC slaughterhouses (3) | Small slaughterhouses (4) | Plants Meat cutting laboratory (4) | Sausage factory (4) | Meat distribution center (1) |
SCM | 16.7%(1/6) | ne | - (0/4) | - (0/16) | ne |
SNCM | ne | -(0/7) | - (0/1) | - (0/10) | - (0/2) |
Total | 6 | 7 | 5 | 26 | 2 |
SCM, surfaces in contact with meat; SNCM, surfaces not in contact with meat. The number of positive samples out of the total is reported in brackets; -, not detected; ne, not evaluated.