Illustration of the TMS navigation in Experiments 1 (A) and 2 (B), based on the results of a meta-analysis of 45 cued task-switching experiments. In the top row, results of the meta-analysis are overlaid on the template of the Montreal Neurological Institute. The peak coordinates of the meta-analysis, displayed in red at the bottom, were used as a guide for positioning the coil over the IFJ (−40, 4, 30) and the IPS (−34, −56, 43) by means of frameless stereotaxic neuronavigation. The coronal sections of the bottom also display the position of the coil center, where the magnetic field is maximal, relative to the subject's skull (blue markers). Yellow spheres indicate the direction of the current flow (distance between two spheres = 1 cm). The average distance between the skull and the target site across participants was 2.36 cm in Experiment 1, and 2.45 cm in Experiment 2. Note that the application of TMS trains also affects the brain tissue between the skull and the target site.