Table 1.
Age (med, IQR) | 28 (24 to 32) |
Education | |
No formal | 79/960 (8.2%) |
Primary/junior | 437/960 (45.5%) |
Secondary | 423/960 (44.1%) |
Vocational | 8/960 (0.8%) |
Tertiary | 13/960 (1.4%) |
Monthly income, USDa , b | |
No income | 5/955 (0.5%) |
<$30 | 190/955 (19.9%) |
$30‐$60 | 332/955 (34.8%) |
$60‐$125 | 328/955 (34.4%) |
>$125 | 99/955 (10.4%) |
Timing of last HIV test | |
0 to 3 months | 3/960 (0.3%) |
>3 to 6 months | 351/960 (36.6%) |
>6 to 12 months | 280/960 (19.3%) |
>12 to 24 months | 156/960 (16.3%) |
>24 months | 114/960 (11.9%) |
Never tested | 56/960 (5.9%) |
Of 10 clients, # think are HIV‐positive (med, IQR) | 7 (5 to 9) |
Price for vaginal sex, USDa (mean, SD) | |
With a condom | $3.24 ($3.31) |
Without a condom | $9.94 ($11.46) |
Number of clients/average night (mean, SD) | 5.9 (3.8) |
Consistent condom use with clientsc | 569/957 (59.5%) |
Tested for HIV, since the start of the studyd , e | |
1 month | 759/925 (82.0%) |
4 months | 812/861 (94.3%) |
Med, median; IQR, interquartile range; SD, standard deviation.
aPrice categories in US dollars (USD); October 10th, 2016 exchange rate (1 USD = 3363.85 Ugandan Shillings); bvariations in denominators attributable to participants choosing not to respond to particular questions; cdefined as not using a condom with at least one client on an average working night; dall characteristics and behaviours measured at baseline with the exception of testing for HIV since the start of the study; eloss to follow‐up was 4% (35/960) at one month and 10% (99/960) at four months.