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. 2019 Jul 9;14(7):e0211608. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0211608

Table 1. Tools commonly used in genomic variant calling workflows.

Workflow Task Bioinformatics tools
Alignment BWA MEM [32], Novoalign [33], Bowtie2 [34]
Soringt SAM Novosort [33], Samtools [35], Sambamba [36]
Marking duplicates Samblaster [37], Novosort [33], Picard [38]
Indel Realignment GATK [39]
Base Recalibration
Variant Calling GATK HaplotypeCaller [40] or UnifiedGenotyper, Samtools mpileup [35], Platypus [41], Strelka2 [42]
Joint Genotyping GATK GenotypeGVCFs

Options absent from our implementation

Indel realignment is not necessary past GATK version 3.6, but can be included to comply with legacy analyses, and to enable the use of non-GATK variant callers that require realignment.