Table 1. Tools commonly used in genomic variant calling workflows.
Workflow Task | Bioinformatics tools |
Alignment | BWA MEM [32], Novoalign [33], Bowtie2 [34]† |
Soringt SAM | Novosort [33], Samtools [35], Sambamba [36]† |
Marking duplicates | Samblaster [37], Novosort [33], Picard [38] |
Indel Realignment‡ | GATK [39] |
Base Recalibration | |
Variant Calling | GATK HaplotypeCaller [40] or UnifiedGenotyper, Samtools mpileup† [35], Platypus† [41], Strelka2† [42] |
Joint Genotyping | GATK GenotypeGVCFs |
† Options absent from our implementation
‡ Indel realignment is not necessary past GATK version 3.6, but can be included to comply with legacy analyses, and to enable the use of non-GATK variant callers that require realignment.