Figure 2.
X-ray structures of the self-complemented FimA monomers. A, cartoon representations of FimAECO (gray), FimASHI (blue), and FimASAL (green) X-ray structures, with the N-terminal donor strand highlighted in red. B, surface representation of the three FimA monomer structures, highlighting the surface complementarity between the donor strands (red) and the FimA folds. C, global superposition of the donor strand conformations in all structures. In contrast to the structures of FimAECO and FimASAL, the residues occupying the pockets P4 and P5 are separated by two residues in the FimASHI structure. The sequences of all three donor strands are indicated. The unresolved region of FimAECO donor strand is shown as a dotted line.