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. 2019 Jul 4;9(7):e027912. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-027912

Table 2.

Outcomes of births from pregnancies to mothers residing in the exposed extra-urban area and of births from pregnancies to Sicilian women residing in similar low population density, low industrialisation areas (comparison groups) by susceptibility subperiods

Birth outcome Pregnancy stage as of the beginning of the fire (29 July, 2012)
Periconception I Trimester (12–0 weeks) II Trimester (24–13 weeks) III Trimester (36–25 weeks)
Extra-urban exposed area Comparison
Extra-urban exposed area Comparison
Extra-urban exposed area Comparison
Extra-urban exposed area Comparison
N (%)* N (%) OR**
(95% CI)
N (%) N (%) OR**
(95% CI)
N (%)* N (%)* OR**
(95% CI)
N (%) N (%) OR**
(95% CI)
All births 42 (100) 2051 (100) 144 (100) 6000 (100) 173 (100) 6757 (100) 187 (100) 7352 (100)
Gender 6 (0,1)*
 Male 27 (64) 1054 (51) 1 (ref.) 82 (57) 3129 (52) 1 (ref.) 88 (51) 3430 (51) 1 (ref.) 101 (54) 3755 (51) 1 (ref.)
 Female 15 (36) 997 (49) 0.59
(0.31 to 1.11)
62 (43) 2870 (48) 0.82
(0.59 to 1.15)
85 (49) 3327(49) 0.99
(0.74 to 1.35)
86 (46) 3591(49) 0.89
(0.67 to 1.19)
 Singleton birth 42 (100) 1993 (97) 1 (ref.) 142 (99) 5793 (97) 1 (ref.) 168 (97) 6535 (97) 1 (ref.) 173 (93) 7099 (97) 1 (ref.)
 Multiple birth 0 (0.0) 58 (2.8) 0 (-) 2 (1.4) 97 (3.4) 0.4
(0.09 to 1.62)
5 (2.9) 222 (3.3) 0.89
(0.36 to 2.18)
14 (7.5) 253 (3.4) 2.42
(1.38 to 4.24)
Status at birth 8 (0,11)*
Live births 42 (100) 2.046 (99.8) 1 (ref.) 144 (100) 5989 (99.8) 1 (ref.) 173 (100) 6730 (99.7) 1 (ref.) 184 (98.4) 7318 (99.54) 1 (ref.)
Stillbirths 0 (0.0) 5 (0.2) 0 (-) 0 (0.0) 10 (0.2) 0 (-) 0 (0.0) 23 (0.34) 0 (-) 3 (1.6) 26 (0.35) 4.69
(1.40 to 15.6)
Singleton live births 42 (100) 1983 (100) OR**
(95% CI)
142 (100) 5788 (100) OR**
(95% CI)
168 (100) 6435 (100) OR**
(95% CI)
172 (100) 7075 (100) OR**
(95% CI)
(<37 weeks) 36 (7.14) 94 (4.81) 1.46
(0.44 to 4.83)
11 (7.75) 295 (5.16) 1.52
(0.81 to 2.85)
11 (6.55) 352 (5.47) 1.21
(0.65 to 2.26)
11 (6.43) 343 (4.88) 1.35
(0.73 to 2.51)
Very preterm
(<32 weeks) 2 (4,76) 18 (0,92) 3,99
(0.90 to 17.66)
3 (2,11) 43 (0,75) 2,88
(0,88 to 9,39)
0 42 (0,65) - 3 (1,75) 39 (0,55) 3,41
(1,04 to 11,16)
Low birth weight
(<2500 g)
2 (4.76) 116 (5.85) 0.83
(0.20 to 3.48)
12 (8.45) 327 (5.65) 1.57
(0.86 to 2.88)
11 (6.55) 353 (5.42) 1.22
(0.66 to 2.27)
12 (6.98) 341 (4.82) 1.52
(0.83 to 2.76)
Very low birth weight
(<1500 g)
2 (4.76) 20 (1.01) 4.64
(1.04 to 20.6)
3 (2.11) 34 (0.59) 3.66
(1.11 to 12.1)
0 (0.0) 37 (0.57) 0 (-) 2 (1.16) 39 (0.55) 2.18
(0.52 to 9.12)
Small for gestational age 0 (0.0) 61 (3.1) 0 (-) 4 (2.82) 167 (2.92) 1.00
(0.36 to 2.74)
5 (2.98) 173 (2.69) 1.11
(0.45 to 2.75)
6 (3.51) 175 (2.49) 1.45
(0.63 to 3.31)

*Number and percentage of non-missing values **OR adjusted for maternal age and infant gender (OR contrasting male and female gender adjusted for maternal age, only)