(a) Representative images from wild type PAO1, PAO1 ΔsadC, PAO1 ΔpilY1, and PAO1 ΔpilA after 6 hr of surface attachment. bf = bright field, merge = bright field and GFP channels combined. (b) Six hour time course plot of the average percentage of cells from either wild type PAO1 (green), PAO1 ΔsadC (red), PAO1 ΔpilY1 (black), or PAO1 ΔpilA (blue) in which the pPcdrA::gfpASV reporter had turned ‘on’ at each hour. PAO1 ΔpilA is significantly different from wild type PAO1 from 2 to 6 hr (T-test, p<0.05). Cells were identified as ‘on’ if their average GFP fluorescence was greater than twice the average background GFP fluorescence of the image. Plotted values are the mean of at least three biological replicates and error bars are standard deviation.