Figure 4. Neutrophils release NETs rapidly in response to FM-CM without compromising viability.
Neutrophils were exposed to no treatment (NT); PMA (100nM); LPS (1ng/ml); unstimulated FM-CM (FM); or LPS-stimulated FM-CM (FM+LPS) after which: (A) NETs were visualized using Sytox Green. Images are representative of three independent experiments. Scale bar= 100μm. (B) Neutrophil viability after treatment for 1 hr was quantified by propidium iodide (PI) staining (n=8). (C) Long-term neutrophil viability after treatment for 24 hrs was quantified by the Cell Titre Assay (n=10). (D) The phagocytosis index of treated neutrophils were measured using fluorescent E. coli bioparticles and normalized to NT (n=6). Neutrophils were treated with 4% PFA as a dead cell control. *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001 compared to NT unless otherwise indicated.