Endocytic cargo is delivered to EELSs with slow kinetic. HEK293T COG4 KO cells were incubated with both bulk phase endocytic/pinocytic (BSA-650) and receptor mediated (Transferrin, Tf-549) markers for (A) 1 h and for (B) 24 h. Note that after 1 h of feeding, Tf and BSA enter endosomal compartments but are completely absent in the EELSs. Only after 24 h incubation, fluorescently labeled endocytic cargo BSA-650 and Tf-549 accumulate within EELSs. (C) Bar graph represents the number of EELSs in the field shown in (B) that have accumulated either Tf-650 or BSA-650 or both Tf and BSA. Images were collected using Zeiss LSM880 microscope. Scale bars are 10 μm.