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. 2019 Jul 1;13:2111–2125. doi: 10.2147/DDDT.S204730

Table 1.

Cohort studies that assessed TNF-I on ILD in rheumatoid arthritis

Reference Year Study design Research type Region/population Numbers Data origin Population Experimental group Control group Objective Conclusion
Detorakis et al15 2017 NA Prospective Greece 168 NA RA TNF-I Non-biologic agents Investigate the efficacy and safety of TNF-I compared to non-biologic DMARDs in RA No new-onset ILD or exacerbation of preexisting-ILD, especially in patients with TNF-I supporting the efficacy and favorable safety profile of this treatment in RA patients
Druce et al14 2017 NA Retrospective British 352 NA RA-ILD RTX TNF-I Compared mortality in patients with RA-ILD who revived RTX or TNF-I as their first biologic Patients with RA-ILD who received rituximab had lower mortality rates compared to TNF-I
Nakashita et al10 2016 Observational study Retrospective Japan 62 Single center RA-ILD ABA TNF-I Possible effect of abatacept on the progression of ILD in RA patients Abatacept might have a lower risk of worsening pre-existing ILD than TNF-I
Koo et al13 2015 NA Retrospective British 24 NA RA-ILD TNF (death) TNF-I Evaluate the impact on mortality of TNF-I treatment of RA-ILD Lung complications can occur within months of initial anti-TNF treatment in older RA-ILD patients and TNF-I should be used with caution in these patients
Curtis et al12 2015 Cohort Retrospective America 13,795 Data source RA TNF-I ADA, RTX and CTR Evaluate ILD incidence and the exacerbation among users of abatacept, rituximab, and tocilizumab compared with anti-TNF agents in adult RA patients No significant differences in the risk of ILD and its related complications between RA patients receiving TNF-I and MOA agents
Nakashita et al10 2014 Case-control Retrospective Japan 163 Single center RA TNF-I Non-biologic agent Assess the risks of TNF-I for patients with ILD TNF-I have the potential risk of ILD events, particularly for patients with pre-existing ILD
Herrinton et al9 2013 Cohort Retrospective America 8,417 Kaiser permanent Northern California Autoimmune disease (RA) ETA,INF and ADA MTX Evaluate the association of TNF-I with risks of ILD/PF among persons with the autoimmune disease compared with non-biologic therapy Compared to non-biologic therapies TNF-I does not associate with a diagnosis of ILD

Abbreviations: NA, unknown; RTX, rituximab; CTR, tocilizumab; ADA, adalimumab; ABA, abatacept TNF-I, tumor necrosis factor inhibitor; MTX, methotrexate; ILD, interstitial lung disease; PF, pulmonary failure; MOA, alternate mechanisms of action; RA, rheumatoid arthritis; DMARD, disease-modifying drugs; ETA, etanercept; INF, infliximab.