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. 2019 Jul 3;3(13):2003–2012. doi: 10.1182/bloodadvances.2019000068

Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Meta-analysis for the association of FCGR2/3 variants with susceptibility to childhood ITP. Previous studies analyzing the association of FCGR2/3 with childhood ITP were identified in PubMed and EMBASE by systematic literature search (supplemental Table 1). The study by Bruin et al16 was not included because these patients were also included by Breunis et al.17 Study characteristics are reported in supplemental Table 2. (A) FCGR2C*ORF is significantly associated with susceptibility to childhood ITP. In comparison with FCGR3A*158F/F, FCGR3A*158V/F (B) and FCGR3A*158V/V (C) confer susceptibility to childhood ITP. This genetic variant is in linkage disequilibrium with FCGR2C*ORF, FCGR2A*27Q/W, and the FCGR2B/FCGR2C promoter polymorphism 2B.4. Mantel-Haenszel (MH) estimates of the ORs are given for fixed effect models. *Data were only analyzed from childhood ITP cases included in this study. §Patients with CNV in FCGR3A were excluded, whereas other studies did not supply such data.