Figure 1.
These figures show the exercise protocol for flexibility and lumbar stabilization exercises. Flexibility exercise consisted of stretching in the abdominal muscle, quadriceps, hamstring, tensor fascia lata, piriformis, and quadratus lumborum muscles (A). The stabilization exercise group was educated with individualized graded lumbar stabilization exercise (IGLSE). The IGLSE protocol consisted of 2 parts: the stretching exercises and stabilization exercises (B). After the stretching exercises of 5 minutes, patients were instructed to complete the stabilization exercises for 25 minutes. Each level had 7 basic positions: supine, dead bug, side-lying, prone, bird dog, bridge, and plank positions (5 levels). At the beginning, patients were placed into an exercise level with moderate difficulty, with gradual increase in difficulty with increased patient capacity. Squared figures show a specific posture used to measure the muscular endurance for the secondary outcome. Endurance was measured on 3 postures (supine, side-lying, and prone), respectively.