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. 2019 Jun 9;9(6):335. doi: 10.3390/ani9060335

Table 8.

Standards of health and behaviour required of rehabilitated wildlife in various jurisdictions prior to release in Australia.

1. Recovered from injury and/or disease
2. Not known to be sterile/unable to reproduce
3. Weight and condition are within an appropriate range
4. Appropriate fitness levels
5. Not a biosecurity risk
6. Pelage, plumage, scales or skin is adequate for survival
7. Acclimated to prevailing climatic conditions
8. Must be independent of its natural mother
9. Salt tolerant, for marine species
10. Of sufficiently mature age for independent survival
11. Weaned off all unnatural feedstuffs
12. Must be released before sexual maturity
13. Can recognise, catch and consume appropriate, naturally available food
14. Can recognise and successfully avoid predators and domestic carnivores
15. Not attracted to humans or sights, sounds, or smells that are specific to captivity
16. Show a fight or flight response similar to that shown by wild conspecifics
17. Can navigate effectively through its natural environment
18. Can recognise and interact normally with other members of the same species
19. Mark its territory, if applicable
20. Find or construct shelter