Hedonic testing carried out based on liking of appearance, odour, flavour, aftertaste and overall liking. Values labelled with a different letter represent significant differences (p < 0.05) according to the Tukey’s multiple range comparison test. Formulation 1: 5%S, 1%I, 2%BF at 30 °C, Formulation 2: 15%S, 3%I, 2%BF at 30 °C, Formulation 3: 15%S, 1%I, 7%BF at 30 °C, Formulation 4: 5%S, 3%I, 7%BF at 30 °C, Formulation 6: 15%S, 1%I, 7%BF at 37 °C, and Formulation 18: 10%S, 2%I, 4.5%BF at 33.5 °C, where S: Sugar concentration, I: Inoculum concentration, BF: Breadfruit concentration.