Table 2.
Authors | Type of Intervention | Electrode Placement | Sample Size | BFB Group Sample | Diagnose | Diagnose Criteria | Outcomes | Tools Used to Measure Outcomes | Nr of Sessions/Time of Active Treatment |
1.Conti et al. (2014) [15] | CES vs. CO | Temporalis |
N = 15 (12 f, 3 m) |
N = 7 (5 f, 2 m) |
Myofascial pain, SB | RDC/TMD AASM |
Significant reduction EMG events per hour of sleep, no changes in present pain intensity and pressure pain threshold | VAS, algometry, EMG analysis | At least 10 days |
2.Raphael et al. (2013) [21] | CES | Temporalis |
N = 14 (14 f) |
N = 14 (14 f) |
Myofascial pain, SB | RDC/TMD PSG |
Significant reduction of EMG activity during treatment, with return to base line in follow-up. No changes in self-reported night pain Significant reduction of perceived pain after palpation and spontaneous, also in follow-up |
EMG analysis (EMG events per min. of sleep), NRS, RDC/TMD | Each night for 6 weeks |
3.Jadidi et al. (2008) [23] | CES | Temporalis |
N = 14 (8 f, 6 m) |
N = 14 (8 f, 6 m) |
SB | AASM | Significant reduction of EMG events/hour of sleep in active CES phase of the study and in inactive phase of the study No changes in perceived pain |
EMG analysis (number of EMG events/h of sleep), RDC/TMD | 5–7 nights a week for 6 weeks (3 weeks with a 2-week break and another 3 weeks) |
4.Sumiya et al. (2014) [25] | CES | Masseter |
N = 10 (4 f, 6 m) |
N = 10 (4 f, 6 m) | SB | EMG monitoring by night | Significant decrease of EMG events/h of sleep and events/night, Significant decrease of number of burst and duration of SB | EMG analysis (events/h of sleep and events/night, number of burst of SB event, duration of SB events) | 2 consecutive nights |
CES: contingent electrical stimulation; CO: control group; VAS: visual analog scale; EMG: electromyography; f: female; m: male; SB: sleep bruxism; RDC/TMD: Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders; AASM: American Academy of Sleep Medicine; PSG: polysomnography; NRS: numeral rating scale.