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. 2019 May 30;8(6):766. doi: 10.3390/jcm8060766

Table 2.

Summary of included studies using contingent electrical stimulation.

Authors Type of Intervention Electrode Placement Sample Size BFB Group Sample Diagnose Diagnose Criteria Outcomes Tools Used to Measure Outcomes Nr of Sessions/Time of Active Treatment
1.Conti et al. (2014) [15] CES vs. CO Temporalis N = 15
(12 f, 3 m)
N = 7
(5 f, 2 m)
Myofascial pain, SB RDC/TMD
Significant reduction EMG events per hour of sleep, no changes in present pain intensity and pressure pain threshold VAS, algometry, EMG analysis At least 10 days
2.Raphael et al. (2013) [21] CES Temporalis N = 14
(14 f)
N = 14
(14 f)
Myofascial pain, SB RDC/TMD
Significant reduction of EMG activity during treatment, with return to base line in follow-up.
No changes in self-reported night pain
Significant reduction of perceived pain after palpation and spontaneous, also in follow-up
EMG analysis (EMG events per min. of sleep), NRS, RDC/TMD Each night for 6 weeks
3.Jadidi et al. (2008) [23] CES Temporalis N = 14
(8 f, 6 m)
N = 14
(8 f, 6 m)
SB AASM Significant reduction of EMG events/hour of sleep in active CES phase of the study and in inactive phase of the study
No changes in perceived pain
EMG analysis (number of EMG events/h of sleep), RDC/TMD 5–7 nights a week for 6 weeks (3 weeks with a 2-week break and another 3 weeks)
4.Sumiya et al. (2014) [25] CES Masseter N = 10
(4 f, 6 m)
N = 10 (4 f, 6 m) SB EMG monitoring by night Significant decrease of EMG events/h of sleep and events/night, Significant decrease of number of burst and duration of SB EMG analysis (events/h of sleep and events/night, number of burst of SB event, duration of SB events) 2 consecutive nights

CES: contingent electrical stimulation; CO: control group; VAS: visual analog scale; EMG: electromyography; f: female; m: male; SB: sleep bruxism; RDC/TMD: Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders; AASM: American Academy of Sleep Medicine; PSG: polysomnography; NRS: numeral rating scale.