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. 2019 Jul 2;23:101920. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2019.101920

Table 4.

Psychophysiological interactions of the bilateral VS in the desire context (DC) and during the desire-reason dilemma (DRD) (a, b), and of the bilateral VTA and hippocampus in the DC (c, d).

a) Influence of adversity during reward acceptance in the desire context (DC): Increased negative functional coupling between VS-VTA and VS-avPFC in the high adversity group
Brain region Seed area: R VS (12 4–4)
Seed area: L VS (−14 10–2)
highA-lowR < lowA-lowR highA-lowR > lowA-lowR highA-lowR < lowA-lowR highA-lowR > lowA-lowR
MNI coordinates (t-value)
L VTA −12 −14 −16 (2.41)+ n.s. −4 −10 −10 (3.25) n.s.
R avPFC 14 52 16 (2.82) n.s. 8 66 18 (2.41)+ n.s.
L avPFC −18 50 10 (3.32) n.s. n.s. n.s.

b) Influence of adversity during reward rejection in the ‘desire-reason dilemma’ (DRD): Impaired top-down control expressed by reduced negative VS-avPFC-coupling in the high adversity group
Seed area: R VS (12 4–4) Seed area: L VS (−14 10–2)
highA-lowR < lowA-lowR highA-lowR > lowA-lowR highA-lowR < lowA-lowR highA-lowR > lowA-lowR
R OFC n.s. 38 40–10 (3.45) n.s. 42 44–8 (3.28)
R avPFC n.s. 16 52 16 (3.13) n.s. 18 54 12 (2.93)
L avPFC n.s. −18 54 10 (3.09) n.s. −22 64 14 (4.23)

c) Influence of adversity and resilience during reward acceptance in the desire context (DC): Less negative VTA- VS -coupling in the high adversity and high resilient group
Seed area: R VTA (8–26 –14) Seed area: L VTA (−10–20 −8)
highA-highR < highA-lowR highA-highR > highA-lowR highA-highR < highA-lowR highA-highR > highA-lowR
L VS n.s. −12 16 2 (2.39)+ n.s. −16 4–6 (2.31)+

d) Influence of adversity and resilience during reward acceptance in the desire context (DC): Less negative hippocampus-VS-coupling and hippocampus-VTA-coupling in the high adversity and high resilient group
Seed area: R HP (36–18 −14) Seed area: L HP (−36–22 –12)
highA-highR < highA-lowR highA-highR > highA-lowR highA-highR < highA-lowR highA-highR > highA-lowR
L VS n.s. −14 6–4 (2.26)+ n.s. n.s.
R VTA n.s. 4–16 –16 (3.00)⁎⁎ n.s. n.s.
L VTA n.s. n.s. n.s. −8 −16 −14 (2.73)

Abbreviations: avPFC, anteroventral prefrontal cortex; highA, high adversity; highR, high resilience; L, left; HP, hippocampus; lowA, low adversity; lowR, low resilience; n.s., not significant; OFC, orbitofrontal cortex; R, right; VS, ventral striatum; VTA, ventral tegmental area.

Activations are reported at p < .005, uncorrected, with a minimum cluster size of 10 voxels; +p < .05, uncorrected, with a minimum cluster size of 10 voxels; p < .05, FWE-corrected (whole brain); ⁎⁎p < .017 FWE-corrected for small volume and adjusted for multiple parallel testing.