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. 2019 Jun 17;16(12):2136. doi: 10.3390/ijerph16122136

Table 10.

Evaluating our behavioural archetypes through Goal Question Metrics (GQM) model.

Goal 1
Are the diary study data valid at the unit level? (for each participant)
Has each participant responded fully to all survey questions over the five days period?
Are questions responded to in an honest manner?
Has a participant exhibited variation in their responses? Is that variation reasonable?
Are there any patterns within the data that should not be expected? Can any visible patterns be rationalised?
Alternatively, should the participant be considered an outlier and their data removed?
Response Rate was calculated for each participant to identify potential outliers.
Question Responses were analysed by summation for each participant, for each question for each participant and each survey for each participant (Section 6.1).
Goal 2
To understand the distribution of behavioural archetypes within a population
Are all behavioural archetypes equally likely to be chosen? Are behavioural archetypes related to gender?
Chi-Square Test of Behavioural Archetype according to frequency and gender (Section 6.2).
Goal 3
To understand whether the behavioural archetypes are related to emotional experience and psychological states
What are the differences (if any) in how respective behavioural archetypes relate to positive and negative emotions as well as psychological states?
Descriptive Statistics for each Behavioural Archetype relative to survey questions pertaining to positive emotions, negative emotions, and psychological states (Section 6.3).
Goal 4
Do the behavioural archetypes possess internal validity?
Do the participants respond affirmatively to questions pertaining to key characteristics of the behavioural archetype?
Must participants respond to all questions affirmatively to be considered exponents of that behavioural archetype?
To what extent does the continuum of human emotion influence variation to closed response questions?
Is there evidence that any of the behavioural archetypes are significantly more or less valid than others?
Were other dependent variables predictors of internal validity for the behavioural archetype?
The first five questions for each Behavioural Archetype were specifically designed to elicit this information. It was, therefore, possible to validate the extent to which each participant’s behaviours corresponded to key characteristics of the behavioural archetype. Statistics relating to response variation were found and analysed. Internal validity scores were found to be normally distributed and homogeneity of variance tests were undertaken. Subsequently, ANOVA was performed to identify any predictors of internal validity (Section 6.4).
Goal 5
Are the behavioural archetypes reliable?
Do the participants respond consistently? (With regard to questions pertaining to key characteristics of the behavioural archetype.)
The sum of participants’ internal validity scores for each Behavioural Archetype was found for each of five days of the study. These were plotted on a time series graph to enable any obvious visual trends to be seen. An essentially horizontal line is indicative of the stability of each behavioural archetype (Section 6.5).