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. 2019 Jun 25;16(12):2245. doi: 10.3390/ijerph16122245

Table 2.

Characteristics of mortality, heat wave, weather and air quality data (2009–2014).

Variable All Days Eligible Days *
(26 °C < Daily Mean Temperature ≤ 30.5 °C)
Sum (%) Sum (%)
Total 194,409 100 50,002 100
  Men 109,241 0.56 28,088 56.2
  Women 85,168 0.44 21,914 43.8
  Age 0–19 2711 1.4 715 1.4
  Age 20–64 60,914 31.3 15,675 31.4
  Age 65+ 130,738 67.3 33,600 67.2
  Cardiovascular disease 38,684 19.9 9917 19.8
  Respiratory disease 16,491 8.5 4127 8.3
Job (People age ≥ 19)
  White-collar 13,574 7.0 3600 7.2
  Blue-collar 22,597 11.6 5676 11.4
  Unemployment* 151,520 77.9 38,970 77.9
Education (People age ≥ 19)
  None 30,622 15.8 8453 16.9
  Elementary 52,077 26.8 13,468 26.9
  7th–12th grade 47,046 24.2 12,456 24.9
  University or more 56,562 29.1 13,366 26.7
Heat wave days
  True heat wave 2677 5.4 2202 17.5
  True non-heat wave 44,576 89.1 7997 63.4
  False positive heat wave 1956 3.9 1639 13.0
  False negative heat wave 818 1.6 766 6.1
Monitored weather (mean, Q1–Q3)
  Daily maximum temperature (°C) 28.33 14.00–38.80 32.08 30.80–33.30
  Daily mean temperature (°C) 23.97 22.00–33.20 27.62 26.70–28.40
  Daily minimum temperature (°C) 20.56 18.40–29.40 24.12 23.10–25.20
  Relative humidity (%) 73.59 65.60–82.10 71.57 65.40–78.60
  Wind speed (m/s2) 2.06 1.30–2.50 2.18 1.40–2.70
Air quality (mean, Q1–Q3)
  O3 (ppm) 0.025 0.017–0.033 0.024 0.014–0.031
  SO2 (ppm) 0.005 0.003–0.006 0.005 0.003–0.006
  CO (ppm) 0.423 0.311–0.530 0.412 0.288–0.513
  NO2 (ppm) 0.023 0.014–0.030 0.021 0.013–0.027
  PM10 (µg/m3) 38.02 24.50–48.00 36.74 23.56–46.46

Notes. * Eligible days refers to days for which daily mean temperature were between 26.0 to 30.5 °C. The estimates represent values of any study region (Gu). Category ‘unemployment’ includes people who are unemployed, house-wives, and students.