Fig. 6.
Pten and Psd-95 mRNAs are translationally regulated by FMRP-MOV10 on NMDAR stimulation. a Immunoblots showing PTEN protein from WT and Fmr1-KO synaptoneurosomes. Quantification of PTEN levels from WT and Fmr1-KO synaptoneurosomes normalized to Tuj1 (n = 5, unpaired Student’s t test, ±SEM). b Immunoblots showing PSD-95 protein from WT and Fmr1-KO synaptoneurosomes. Quantification of PSD-95 levels from WT and Fmr1-KO synaptoneurosomes normalized to Tuj1 (n = 3, unpaired Student’s t test, ±SEM). c Immunoblost showing PTEN protein after NMDAR stimulation from Fmr1-KO synaptoneurosomes. Quantification of PTEN levels on NMDAR stimulation normalized to Tuj1 (n = 3, paired Student’s t test, ±SEM). d Immunoblots showing PSD-95 protein after NMDAR stimulation from Fmr1-KO synaptoneurosomes. Quantification of PSD-95 levels on NMDAR stimulation normalized to Tuj1 (n = 3, paired Student’s t test, ±SEM). e Immunoblot showing PTEN protein from neurons transfected with scramble or MOV10 siRNA. Quantification of PTEN levels on MOV10 knockdown normalized to Tuj1 (n = 4, unpaired Student’s t test, ±SEM)