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. 2019 Jul 10;19:217. doi: 10.1186/s12888-019-2195-3

Table 4.

Rotated main scale factor loadings from the pattern matrix

IPQ-O main-scale question Original IPQ-R item (IPX) or new item (N) 1. Consequences 2. Control 3. Permanence 4. Coherence 5. Reactivity 6. Spectrum 7. Emotion
OIP73. My OCD can strongly affect the way others see me IP9 0.723 − 0.037 0.002 − 0.069 − 0.093 0.138 − 0.054
OIP31. My OCD causes difficulties for those who are close to me IP11 0.723 0.047 0.069 0.032 −0.011 − 0.020 − 0.163
OIP58. My OCD has a negative effect on my relationships with others N 0.709 0.028 0.033 −0.099 0.008 − 0.026 −0.040
OIP40. My OCD negatively affects the way I act towards those close to me N 0.678 −0.028 0.019 −0.131 0.125 0.039 −0.065
OIP3. My OCD strongly affects the way others act towards me N 0.671 −0.126 −0.016 − 0.058 −0.094 0.203 −0.092
OIP75. My OCD has major consequences on my life IP7 0.640 −0.063 0.078 0.028 −0.007 −0.060 0.168
OIP74. My OCD gets in the way of me getting things done N 0.550 −0.123 0.007 0.032 0.044 −0.043 0.180
OIP56. My OCD affects my physical health and wellbeing N 0.505 −0.024 0.001 0.028 0.142 −0.047 0.078
OIP11. My OCD has serious financial consequences IP10 0.501 −0.090 −0.181 0.085 −0.066 0.061 0.211
OIP8. I have had difficulties with my work or studies because of my OCD N 0.466 0.030 0.004 0.084 0.098 −0.162 0.159
OIP59. My OCD does not have much effect on my life (r) IP8 0.452 a − 0.029 0.306 0.041 −0.068 −0.143 0.162
OIP5. My OCD makes me feel worthless N 0.424 −0.034 0.009 −0.157 − 0.030 0.049 0.264
OIP15. My OCD makes me feel ashamed or embarrassed N 0.364 −0.033 − 0.001 − 0.224 0.051 0.008 0.225
OIP51. My OCD is a serious condition IP6 0.344 0.070 0.210 0.055 0.043 −0.167 0.263
OIP54. Treatment will be effective if I put in enough effort N −0.040 0.809 0.049 −0.036 − 0.016 0.129 0.196
OIP71. Treatment can control my OCD IP22 −0.043 0.782 −0.003 −0.012 0.015 0.065 0.106
OIP49. Treatment will be effective with a good health professional N −0.059 0.736 −0.023 − 0.044 0.077 0.063 0.170
OIP63. I have the power to influence my OCD IP16 −0.095 0.698 0.072 0.088 −0.033 0.080 −0.022
OIP46. The negative effects of my OCD can be prevented (avoided) by my treatment IP21 − 0.023 0.656 − 0.150 −0.059 0.002 0.133 0.111
OIP36. There is nothing which can help my condition (r) IP23 −0.074 0.654 −0.054 0.132 0.038 −0.220 −0.132
OIP16. There is very little that can be done to improve my OCD (r) IP19 −0.133 0.637 −0.100 0.102 −0.025 −0.127 − 0.123
OIP41. What I do can determine whether my OCD gets better or worse IP13 0.075 0.615 −0.007 0.065 0.123 −0.011 −0.078
OIP39. There is a lot which I can do to control my OCD IP12 −0.026 0.615 −0.047 0.128 0.008 0.162 − 0.091
OIP60. Nothing I do will affect my OCD (r) IP15 0.053 0.591 0.047 0.025 0.019 −0.263 −0.170
OIP62. My OCD will improve in time (r) IP18 0.057 −0.571 0.303 a 0.022 −0.033 0.029 −0.014
OIP33. Treatment will be effective in curing my OCD IP20 −0.004 0.561 a −0.329 0.010 −0.029 0.125 0.152
OIP61. My actions will have no effect on the outcome of my OCD (r) IP17 0.003 0.527 0.128 0.101 −0.026 − 0.256 − 0.171
OIP30. The course of my OCD depends on me IP14 0.020 0.509 −0.018 0.111 0.083 0.131 −0.053
OIP37. My OCD will last for a long time IP3 0.069 −0.100 0.747 −0.008 −0.002 0.004 0.102
OIP67. I expect to have this OCD for the rest of my life IP5 −0.022 −0.130 0.733 −0.002 0.066 0.064 −0.022
OIP44. I expect that some of my OCD symptoms will never go away N −0.016 −0.084 0.717 −0.018 0.043 0.072 −0.015
OIP1. My OCD will last a short time (r) IP1 0.026 −0.064 0.690 0.057 −0.102 −0.185 0.070
OIP20. This OCD will pass quickly (r) IP4 0.036 −0.113 0.670 0.016 −0.123 −0.144 0.044
OIP57. Looking back, I have always had OCD ‘traits’ N 0.037 0.155 0.539 −0.048 0.027 −0.019 −0.055
OIP42. Having OCD is part of my personality N −0.110 −0.030 0.533 a −0.021 0.074 0.401 −0.033
OIP4. OCD has become part of who I am N 0.081 −0.155 0.459 0.027 0.134 0.194 0.074
OIP17. I can’t remember how I felt when I didn’t have OCD N 0.034 −0.130 0.373 −0.048 0.128 0.027 0.169
OIP55. I don’t understand my OCD (r) IP26 0.053 0.042 −0.007 0.858 0.063 −0.038 0.005
OIP50. My OCD doesn’t make any sense to me (r) IP27 0.027 0.009 0.026 0.805 0.079 −0.073 −0.118
OIP32. My OCD is a mystery to me (r) IP25 0.070 0.038 −0.080 0.782 0.027 − 0.041 −0.055
OIP23.The symptoms of my condition are puzzling to me (r) IP24 −0.031 −0.055 − 0.028 0.716 − 0.028 0.009 − 0.028
OIP28. I have a clear picture or understanding of my condition IP28 −0.052 0.114 0.139 0.590 −0.001 0.084 0.202
OIP27. The types of OCD symptoms I have change depending on what is going on in my life at the time N −0.105 − 0.103 − 0.045 0.133 0.740 0.146 0.154
OIP38. My symptoms come and go in cycles IP30 −0.177 0.092 −0.144 0.018 0.680 −0.018 −0.010
OIP47. The types of symptoms I have change over time N −0.101 0.075 0.016 0.024 0.573 0.148 0.172
OIP34. I go through cycles in which my OCD gets better and worse IP32 −0.130 0.196 0.070 0.027 0.559 −0.077 0.016
OIP21. My symptoms of OCD are affected by my mood N 0.054 0.037 0.059 −0.093 0.491 −0.026 − 0.168
OIP6. Old OCD symptoms reappear when I am tired N 0.144 0.052 0.092 0.053 0.473 −0.119 − 0.152
OIP76. The symptoms of my OCD change a great deal from day to day IP29 0.078 −0.056 − 0.089 − 0.086 0.430 0.212 0.025
OIP19. My symptoms get better when there are fewer pressures in my life N 0.146 0.133 0.036 0.080 0.402 −0.019 −0.210
OIP72. I can find it difficult to tell whether or not OCD is affecting my thinking N −0.026 0.056 0.176 −0.256 0.363 −0.143 0.058
OIP66. My OCD gets worse when I take on new responsibilities N 0.145 −0.021 0.045 0.010 0.362 0.011 0.048
OIP64. My OCD is very unpredictable IP31 0.089 −0.024 0.039 −0.282 0.359 0.044 0.016
OIP25. Upsetting stories in the media can make my OCD worse N 0.021 −0.064 0.048 −0.029 0.336 −0.229 0.146
OIP65. Everyone has a bit of OCD; it’s just that some people have more N 0.054 0.001 −0.005 −0.045 − 0.049 0.598 − 0.052
OIP43. If my OCD was cured, it would change who I am as a person N 0.103 −0.023 0.367 a −0.041 − 0.005 0.372 0.112
OIP53. Everyone has compulsions to some extent N −0.054 0.097 0.224 −0.008 0.076 0.362 − 0.112
OIP18. People with OCD have the same worries as everyone else, just more extreme N 0.035 0.167 − 0.068 −0.021 0.079 0.362 −0.008
OIP69. My OCD makes me feel ‘fed up’ N 0.186 −0.015 0.094 −0.195 0.034 −0.124 0.625
OIP68. When I think about my OCD I get upset IP34 0.298 −0.037 0.027 −0.119 −0.016 − 0.078 0.542
OIP52. I get depressed when I think about my OCD IP33 0.247 −0.076 0.168 −0.165 0.016 −0.054 0.454
OIP12. Having OCD makes me feel anxious IP37 0.080 0.125 0.255 −0.079 0.080 0.010 0.453
OIP7. My OCD makes me feel afraid IP38 0.242 0.103 −0.056 − 0.071 0.240 − 0.170 0.415
OIP29. My OCD does not worry me (r) IP36 0.188 0.046 0.176 −0.079 −0.043 − 0.217 0.411
OIP45. My OCD makes me feel angry IP35 0.334 −0.008 0.015 −0.120 0.124 −0.017 0.366 a
Total N questions 14 13 11 5 12 3 7
α 0.893 0.914 0.857 0.867 0.789 0.592 0.860

Loadings ≥ .3 are highlighted in bold

(r) represents reverse items

aDenotes which sub-scale a cross-loading item is allocated (where more than one loading ≥.3)